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Together for better air!
Using citizen sensors to improve urban air quality
Air pollution is the largest environmental health risk in Europe

We help cities and regions improve air quality by raising the quality of citizen science data for decision making.  Equipping citizens with easy to use sensors and data dashboards we supplement gaps in official data to help drive the necessary personal and policy changes needed for a sustainable future.

Citizen Science for all
For Policy Makers

See our results and start harnessing and using citizen measurement data for better policy support.


For Citizens

Understand the issues caused by poor air quality and find out how you can make a difference via citizen science.


For Researchers

Check out our sensors,  data dashboards and methods for raising the quality of citizen science data.


Our air quality experiment locations

Flanders, Belgium

Focus: Measuring the impact of a school street in Herzele on traffic and air quality in a surrounding area.

Sofia, Bulgaria

Focus: 1) Determining the impact of the introduction of school bus routes for morning and noon transport to school through a community building exercise with 2 schools on the outskirts of the LEZ. 2) Establishing the typical air pollution exposure profile of older kids in schools with school bus service implementation in public transportation. 3) Evaluate the efficiency of window meshes at reducing indoor PM levels at a kindergarten school. 

Athens, Greece

Focus: Creating awareness on air quality among the elderly.

Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Focus: 1) Raising awareness and knowledge among school kids on typical PM phenomena. 2) Raising awareness on the impact of traffic on air pollution and generating baseline measurements for the future introduction of an LEZ.

Berlin, Germany

Focus: 1) Ascertaining exposure of cyclists and school kids on their way to school/work and evaluating both spontaneous and “helped” behavioural change with the overarching aim to push this experience to other cyclists and schools across Berlin. 2) Increase the amount of information on air quality available in the Friedrichshagen area on the city outskirts as only 1 reference station is located there, demonstrating the use of citizen science to accomplish this. 3) Demonstrate the positive effect of a local traffic ban on liveability in the affected neighbourhood. Get the neighbourhood involved and build support for this specific measure through monitoring and data workshops.

Why we do citizen science

Schaffung von Gemeinden, um lokale Luftqualitätsprobleme genau zu bestimmen

Menschen vor Ort, die ihre Nachbarschaft in- und auswendig kennen, sind am besten in der Lage, zusammenzuarbeiten, um Umweltprobleme zu erkennen und lokale Lösungen zu ihrer Bewältigung zu entwickeln.


Unterstützung der Bürger bei der Durchführung ihres eigenen Luftqualitätsexperiments

Jeder, unabhängig von seinem Hintergrund, kann COMPAIR beitreten und an der Messung und Überprüfung der Luftqualität im Vergleich zu Daten aus anderen Städten teilnehmen. COMPAIR unterstützt Freiwillige mit einfachen Tools, um die Daten zu erfassen, zu vergleichen und zu verstehen.

Sprechblase A+

Moderation von Gesprächen mit Entscheidungsträgern der Stadt

Es reicht nicht aus, Luftqualitätsdaten zu verstehen. COMPAIR hilft Freiwilligengruppen, ihre Lösungen zu verwirklichen, von lokalen Maßnahmen, die jeder ergreifen kann, bis hin zu Einfluss auf die allgemeine Stadtpolitik.

A COMPAIR Point of View

By leveraging citizen science, cities can tap into the greatest asset they have at their disposal - their citizens. Through measurement activities and co-innovation, COMPAIR facilitates collaborative spirit and knowledge exchange within the urban fabric, leaving all stakeholders better off as a result. 

Lieven Raes, Digital Vlaanderen

COMPAIR Coordinator

Expected Impact
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Multi-stakeholder collaboration across the entire urban value chain

High-quality citizen science data ready for use in policy making

Increased environmental awareness leading to behavioural change

More empowered and resilient communities

Air pollution in European cities reduced to levels that are considered safe for all

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